12 definitions by ~

1 broadcast the most boring shows 24/7
2 only employ people with PROPER english, who tries to be very professional, and failing miserably.
3 11 out of 10 viewers tends to look for a gun to shoot at the screen when they switch to the channel
4 did i mention boring?!
if you switch to the bbc, i'll shoot you instead
by ~ March 6, 2004
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Where I live!! its really different from the rest of Virginia, not better or worse just different. nobody really considers it southern, either, but a lotta people move here from the south. sum people think n.Virginia should be its own state but i think thats stupid... a lotta people from southern (and middle maybe?) Virginia think that northern Virginia is snobby and a disgrace to their southern state of Virginia. a lotta people from northern Virginia think southern Virginia is hick and northern Virginia is better. but umm, i dont.. some people say northern Virginia is wealthy and i used to think that i guess kinda but now i go to a different school and there are sum really, really ghetto people so i dont anymore.
by ~ March 11, 2005
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"I was lookin' pimp, she was lookin' SilverHeartz"
by ~ October 13, 2003
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"Elbo computing" run by Marshall and Ray. Need your computer fixed? ask these guys
Man my friggen computer is all broken and stuff, Id better call Elbo.
by ~ August 23, 2003
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The crappy new name of RSC king/queen Mystress.
"Mystress' new name sucks...who would want the name Zyst?"
by ~ December 17, 2004
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