Widely known as "Nigger",
BUT also a type of grenade used in the original Perfect Dark for N64 that releases a large black cloud that blurs vision, disarms your weapons and drains your health...
BUT also a type of grenade used in the original Perfect Dark for N64 that releases a large black cloud that blurs vision, disarms your weapons and drains your health...
yo, me and my negroidz were playin some perfect dark yesterday and daiz kept on spammin those fuckin n-bombs
by See Em Be April 13, 2008
Way of saying nigger without actually saying "nigger", especially when reffering to someone else saying the N-Word. Used by guy named Matt Rogers to try to get people pissed off at someone, or to make an excuse to be mad at somebody or get in a fight.
"Yo man, he dropped the N-bomb on me! nowumsayin? I had to drop that mahfugga! AArrgghhh! Matt Rogers man! Apoch! What's good daddy!" (undistinguishable mumbling)
by some guy December 8, 2004
by h33l_t03 January 7, 2006
by Elliott June 17, 2003
by Tony P November 16, 2003
Saying Nigga, Nigga-boo, Nigz, Nigger, Niggas, Niggaz, Nigger-toes, Neegroes, Nigros, Jig-boo's, coon, Monkies, Jungle babies, gorillaz, African American, or just plain ol' nig!
by White Lover September 28, 2003