A Serbian name given only to the best and worthiest of gentlemen.
It symbolizes power and dominance and also with it comes a great need for alcohol.
Milivoje je veliki gospodin.
Carević is a big gentleman.
by Milivinjak January 8, 2018
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Milivoje is a person who has sexual relations with his little brother. Milivojes also lie a lot and like to borrow money from you and never give it back and their excuse is usually that their parents don't have any money in cash because their costumers bought all of the cookies with a credit card.
Milivoje: Can I go inside please?
Random Person: NO
by NejaProGejmer March 28, 2022
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A male person with a great big family. Very friendly and artistic.
Who is that that guy over there? Oh the scary artist?That is Milivoj , the sweetest man alive!
by fucking queen January 9, 2018
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