similar to a "golden shower," where one urinates on another during sex. This name references Robert Mapplethorpe's famous artwork "PissChrist," where the artist pissed in a jar containing a crucifix and took a photo of it.
While Ted was banging Brenda, she told him "piss on me!" So he pulled out and gave her a Mapplethorpe.
by Mick Fly November 7, 2006
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A CD-i game from the 1990s. It is the favourite game of James Rolfe and was voted the very best game of 2014 by me. The game has very intriguing controls and has a very exciting action-packed soundtrack. It is very under-rated simply for the fact that hardly anybody knows about it.
"The Flowers of Robert Mapplethorpe? Well at least I have a reason to hang myself now."
by Deathrock9 December 31, 2015
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When something mediocre or just dumb, often a trend, art piece, or artist gets, publicity from the conservatives just for being controversial. Like Robert Mapplethorpe's 'art'.
That sloppy, lite porn art of his will only become famous if the mapplethorpe effect kicks in.
by Skav<n October 12, 2018
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