The act of ass rapeing (screwing over) your subordinates in a work enviroment.
Man today when I got to work the boss was in a bad mood and Laniered me without warning.
by Peecock June 20, 2009
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Laniers are particularly fun to be around. They are amazing listeners. They are extremely easy to talk to and have the best hair. They are also some of the most talkative people you will ever meet.
Jake: who's that girl that everyone wants to be friends with?

Sara: that's Lanier!
by skk1031 May 7, 2011
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Charismatic and entertaining to be around. Strong personality with a dry sense of humor. Unusually long fingers.
That Lanier kid is a bad ass.
by Lauren Jacobson January 28, 2008
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"honey, don't give our address. thats a lanier."
"too late."
knock on the door.
by bobmarleylover October 5, 2009
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Lanier is a beautiful, cute, nerd. Lanier always seems to have at least a couple boys crushing on her. She gets good grades and is a boss. Lanier’s have trouble trusting people, if you want to be in her trustworthy friends then you have to prove yourself. Lanier will keep a secret no matter how juicy it is. Though Lanier’s sometimes let there temper get the better of them, they never tear you down and make you feel bad. Lanier’s will be passive aggressive towards friends but that is only because she will be going through something and wants to push people away, you CANNOT let this happen. Lanier’s are difficult to hold on too since countless people want to date her for her pageant worthy looks and scary good grades. Normally with natural red hair and nerdy glasses, Lanier’s will sympathize with everything that goes on, and even though she doesn’t think so, she is the bast friend a guy could ask for.
Guy 1: Who is beautiful Goddess
Guy 2: That is Lanier, the most smartest girl in school
Guy 1: Do you think that she’d go out with me?
Guy 2: No, she is too good for us all.
by Peacoat February 27, 2020
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-The deepest pit of hell
-Filled with assholes and gangster wannabies, with a few sluts sprinkeled in for good measure
-The teachers are either awesome or they suck
-If you can't pretend you're rich, you will be shunned by people who can
-some douche spread poop on the walls in the boys bathroom spring 2011 and now the administration thinks all boys are troublemakers
-A grouping for all the posers in northern VA, with some poor sorry bastards thrown in against their will
Mom: "Hey, honey how was school?"
Student: "Same old, same old."
Mom: "OH NO! It was THAT BAD?"
Lanier Middle School
by The_Messanger_Of_Darkness August 9, 2011
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