The name of a being so unlucky that he cannot catch a break and usually has failures follow one after another

seriously someone help the poor soul, Blizz give him leggy.
Victim: I didn't get a single legendary for weeks!!!!
Person: Get Kytze'd
Victim: :KMS:
by Jensyn2k November 5, 2017
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A type of person that normally tops the DPS-Meters in videogames. Most Kytze's have a big dick that comes along with the enormous DPS they show.
Man 1: "Woah do you see that Death Knight on the DPS meters? He's a fucking god bro."
Man 2: -"Oh damn that's a real Kytze! Surely he has a big dick too, gotta be with that DPS!"
by Lelelelell July 13, 2017
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A fucking horde player with no life
Kytze is a fucking horde player with no life
by Transmog Addict Jensen July 15, 2017
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