The most absolute beautiful girl on planet earth. She cares very much for the people around her. At first meet, she'll most likely be super shy. Take just a few days to know her, she'll be loud and will never stop talking. She usually has a mix of blonde and brown hair and has the most beautiful blue eyes. Usually athletic and loves sports. She's most likely not into the color pink that much. She'll brighten up your day when you need it. She's good with humor and really funny herself!
Person 1: Do you know Kylynne?
Person 2: Yeah, she's perfect!
by notoosurewhatimdoingwithmylife November 11, 2019
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A girl who’s smile lights up a room. She’s super athletic but manages to keep up with school. She can be quite loud at times, but is a great listener. Hard to find a girl with her sense of humor now-a-days. Typically someone with long hair and dark eyes.
“That girl made someone pee themselves from laughing the other day. She’s a real Kylynn.
by KiddoRoonie December 2, 2018
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kylynn’s are very fun and loving. they’re loyal when in a relationship and smile no matter what the situation is. they always find the good and beauty in people. kylynns are amazing friends and girlfriends. they will always make you laugh no matter how sad u are and most importantly kylynns look good no matter what !
boy 1- did u see Kylynns outfit today ?

boy 2- yea!! how does she manage to look good with no makeup, a messy bun, in just a hoodie and leggings with Birkenstocks ?

guy 3- i don’t know man. but i want her so bad.

boy 1- yea but she’s madly in love with her boyfriend
by lalalandxxxxx July 18, 2019
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Kylynn is a Beautiful, amazing girl. She's been through a lot and is mossy at times but she is always there for you and love she everyone. She loves animals, cats especially and dancing. She usually has long brown hair and brown eyes. She loves her family very much. Very shy at first but once you get to know her you won't want to lose her.
by Karen B. December 5, 2017
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a girl that is sexy beyound belief; related to "bangin" or "dayumm".

like bubbles and loves ben.

very bubby person, happy, energetic, colorful, and welcoming.
that girl across the street in her bathing suit blowing bubbles by herself, she is such a kylynn.
by xdinosaurxx June 26, 2010
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She is a bad bitch. She doesn’t listen to what others have to say about her. She’s gone through a lot but still manages to keep a smile on her face. People always copy her sense in style.
friend: you know that guy you like
kylynn: which one?
friend: william
kylynn: witch william?
friend: willaim s

kylynn: curly or straight

friend: curly
kylynn: blonde or brunette

friend: brunette

kylynn: country or city
friend: city

kylynn: oh yes i know him
friend: well he is talking to another girl

kylynn: wth these boys aren't loyal.
by fuckyouhoesdumbass June 10, 2020
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a lesbian who only ties her hair one way and is obseesed with cunnilingus
"OMG. Look at that kid. Kylynne much?
by thatgingerkid March 10, 2014
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