a chill person Out going and fortunate person who try’s to make someone feel better and try’s to be friends with anyone
Damnn this guys is such a chill person man his names probably a Kurth
by Lil boyy October 11, 2019
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A term for a person into the occult. Kurths are usually smart and sarcastic, but tend to avoid people so you can never find their good side.
Guy 1: Dude, did you see that new girl?
Guy 2: Yeah, she gave me the freakiest glare...
Guy 3: I heard she can do voodoo!
Guy 1: Wow, what a kurth!
by whackjob142 May 6, 2011
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1.When you have made a big mistake and become inevitably screwed.

2. when all things seem hopeless.

3. having large amounts of gas build up.
I just got a flat tire so I will be late for class, I am totally kurthed.

I just lost my wallet, I just kurthed up.

I have a burp stuck in side me, I need to kurth.
by skeletor_01 October 21, 2011
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When you bite on the vaginal lip and it's crispy like bacon and tan like leather.
I nearly spit out my tongue getting rid of that Kristy Kurth.

I really got shut down by that Krispy Kurth last night, what a buzzkill.
by Doubleplay January 9, 2016
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