A usually multi-talented African American who can basically any play and sport and dominant at at. extremely funny can make any one laugh. Girls seem to love instanty because he has incredible charisma is quite polite knows how to have a good time. Lots of friends. easy to get along with Girls just seem to jump out of their clothes when he walks by or when he talks to them. Like mashed potatoes and employee of the month.
Dam mane you see that guy over there mackin on your girl and you aint doin shit about it and ur girls handin him her number dat boy be such a Konzo mane he kool kool as fuck. aww man look at the way he eats mashed potatoes he loves them <3. Aslo loves Butters very much.
by super duper brain man December 31, 2010
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a disease but also a name given to people with man buns
Man 1: You have your hair like a man bun, do you have Konzo?
Man 2: Yes
by kanske teodor October 8, 2018
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