Afghanistan's capital that fell to couple guys with a AKs and turban's.
Kabul fell at the day the Americans were leaving
by guywithturben August 23, 2021
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Capital city of Afghanistan. Located in Kabul Province, northeast Afghanistan. People cannot drive, walk out in front of you without looking (then get riot-level pissed if you hit someone), or ride their bikes out in front of you. Dusty, dirty, has good bread and a decent radio station, Kabul Rock (108.0 FM). The Taliban were driven out for the most part, but pop their man-loving, women-beating, limb chopping, self-detonating heads up occasionally. Home to the HQ of Afg Nat. Army and Nat. Police, ANA and ANP.
Man 1 - Off to Kabul again?

Man 2 - Yeah, need to pay off the mortgage...

Man 1 - Get some bread and don't get blown up dude! And watch your cornhole, I heard man-love is all the rage over there. And watch out for the ANP, they're a bunch of dicks.

Man 2 - Will do.
by wode April 30, 2011
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"Kabul Airport" refers to the sexual act of anal pegging a submissive by a dominatrix, often in association with the ritualistic humiliation of the submissive.
"I was busy trying to secure Kabul Airport but Mistress insisted I beg harder and lick the soles of her boots until all the mud was removed"
by KCCO and FTT August 22, 2021
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When you use the pull-out method during sex to avoid pregnancy but end up leaving some behind anyway
I don't know how we ended up in this situation, we tried a Kabul Pullout and still got fucked
by Daniel Tuesday September 1, 2021
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The worst possible example of female genitalia. It is as bombed-out depleted and smelly as its namesake Afghan city which has suffered decades of war and has open sewers. Beware a Kabul Kooch has most likely not seen a razor since the Vikings last saw a Super Bowl either.
Man, I wasn't expecting much going hoggin last night but that whatever you want to call her I picked up at the cab stand had a Kabul Kooch that sent me running and I'm on a 6-month dry streak here.
by imcsmith September 13, 2010
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Adjective: Being left or abandon abruptly with out recourse and difficult if not impossible way out.
I was kabuled last weekend while at the mall with my friends and I had to walk home.
by Hughmember August 30, 2021
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This is an intense exercise where you have to run a full lap around Kabul Airport in Afghanistan without getting shot by the Taliban.
I was the first man to Marathon In Kabul.
by real_men_uber rick August 24, 2021
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