The act of a group of friends surprising another friend with a sign stating something relating to the friend and then taking turns or simultaneously killing him or her, all whilst saying "for the blank", with the blank replaced with a term or phrase representative of the person or the situation.
"You alright, mate? You seemed to have lost all your items."
"Well, I wouldn't have if my friends hadn't gone through with FUCKING JON-SNOWING ME!!!"
by scrchngfrs October 22, 2015
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You are in the shit. Your hair needs a wash. Your bae is gone, everyone is calling you a titface because your bae WAS your bae, and you can't be lord of Winterfell because some guy with a beard is being a nob.
Person 1: *sigh* My girl just left me, she said she was going somewhere 'hot' and everyone's being a wanker about me liking her.

Person 2: Man, you got SO Jon Snowed.
by Sakura_Ryuzaki May 4, 2015
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Jon Snow is a character in game of thrones that is still alive and Matthew Payne won't shut the fuck up about.
You know nothing Jon Snow.
by Bobby Jonnyson October 24, 2018
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A sexual act. A man's finishing move that always pleases the ladies.
.... So last night, we were going at it.
She was almost there and I gave her the Jon Snow!
by Ronanigans June 17, 2015
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That overwhelming certainty of knowing nothing.
'been coding for years, though I still have the feeling that I know nothing about programming. Must be going through Jon Snow Syndrome
by juan nieves November 16, 2019
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