In the 8th edition of the Spanish cooking show Masterchef, it is a slash relationship between Iván (who should have been 2nd) & Andy (the moral winner of the contest). June 9 is its official twitter anniversary.

They couldn't stop looking at each other and joking around.

The show's producers constantly confronted them as they were the roosters of the edition(chick&rooster).

Alberto (Iván's bff) is the captain of the ship. He owns an Ivandy mask, protects from viruses and spreads that love.
Paula has a lot of swag and we adore her, we ship Pandy (Andy plus gf Paula) because who could not. Iván + gfSandra have no interest (as don´t have name for their boat).

Their love will go on at Gaylicia, at the BCC and beyond.
Those who don't ship #Ivandy see the same #MasterChef as me?

When Iván says he wants Andy to go, I guess he means he wants him to go ... to his bed.
I want someone to look at me just like Iván looks at Andy and call me "little chicken".
by shipper_mc8 September 15, 2020
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