The fastest form of music, if it even is. It goes from 1,200,000 BPM to "Infinity"1.
1: A.k.a: a point where you can't hear it even with audio amplification.
Dumbass: ew people make Hypertone? that's pretty gay
Dumbass2: Hypertone is good you dumbass
by Noobinthetrash February 20, 2023
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Hypertone is the fastest music genre starts at 2.5 million bpm. Other music from the same genre speedcore is extratone, ultratone, flextone, supertone, extradrone and deadtone.
Hypertone is one of the most cancerous things a human thing can hear.
by stoerd September 19, 2019
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pertaining to literary narrations that exhibit vomitous superfluity
Hypertonic fiction is magical realism gone wrong: it is when (post-Satanic Verses) Rushdie, in trying to achieve Marquez, bloats magic/metaphor to a point where a reader's "suspended disbelief" droops into profound mistrust.
by Sabrina Sadique June 7, 2007
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Sticking it in your homie or a guy the night before a workout. This allows testosterone to be transferred between the 2 dudes. This method was created by Shulk.
My workout went crazyy today because me and some guy I met at the gym last week did some hypertonic osmosis last night.
by ImGoated April 8, 2021
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