A measure of how crazily hench someone is both physicaly and mentally
George: That tatoo is pretty hench
Tom: Yeah well look at my tatoo it has ultimate henchness.
George:...sweet mercy !!!

Kyle:"Look at that guys bare Henchness"
Sam: "I wouldn't want to mess with him"
by The white wing ninja March 26, 2009
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Another word to describe someone as big, strong or muscular.

"I'm bear hench"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah i'm the henchest"
by Henry O'Connor June 13, 2003
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London slang.
1) someone strong- looking, or muscular. Specifically appearance DO NOT get confused with if they be strong, but don't look it.
2) someone you wouldnt wanna mess with
3) huge
1) to hench: to muscle someone out, push them aside, beat them in a fight.
"look at that bodyguard, he's so fuckin hench"
"that car is hench. you could fit Pavarotti in there"
you push someone out of a queue to get to the front and they do shit about it.
"man got henched! shame!"
by Judge Fudge December 14, 2004
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Big, strong, buff. Like swoll, but cooler.
Riley is hench cause he can do one armed pull ups and climb big rocks.
by Georgie123456 December 26, 2018
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Someone who is strong, built, broad shoulder like man
Oy bruv he’s mad hench, man wouldn’t want probrem wit that lad
by Man rike HENRY November 24, 2017
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verb, the act of doing assorted tasks whilst dressed in a uniform similar to ones peers, usually in the service of an egomaniacal villain

See henchman, henchmen, henchwoman
Most people think of henching as just turning dials or arbitrarily carrying wrenches, but some of us actually get to carry weapons!
by memnarc July 11, 2008
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1.Big or bulky, in physical appearance.


3.Describing an object/body part as being big.
Mary: What you up to Jack?
Jack: Im looking for things on google.
Mary: Like what, Jack?
Jack: Err... like Hench Cock.
(Mary Smiles)

Look at the size of that immense vein on his hench cock.

Woahh, That Gay Mans Hench. wonder how how "hench" his Cock is!
by Peter Crotch November 18, 2006
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