by toomanytrees November 16, 2011
by Michael Jordan Illuminati You October 25, 2010
describing something that is good or cool. can be used to describe many things usually drugs or alchol but also can be used when refering to people, places, and things.
by 1989 April 17, 2007
A sarcastic way of describing a person who wakes up and is coughing and hocking up due to drinking and smoking too many jacks.
by HRM SMK April 1, 2008
Thats healthy is something you would say instead of saying that’s sick. Who wants to be sick when you could be healthy?! Like for real?!
by Potatoes_are_awesome December 7, 2019
Healthie is a "selfie" photo where the subject takes a shot of themselves doing something healthy. It can be a shot of their body, an activity, of them eating something good. It is NOT a duck face shot. Preferably in work out clothes.
Love to see people's healthies and progress on their fitness journey! Especially ones that show a great looking body part!
I love it when Natalie posts healthies of herself in yoga pants!
I love it when Natalie posts healthies of herself in yoga pants!
by obecian June 1, 2014
by shakeitdontbreakit January 24, 2006