When you constantly send your friend (or boyfriend) the grape emoji and you replace 'great' with 'grape' in every sentence. You also may stand on a table throwing grapes at them and hissing.
"It's great!"
"Yeah it's GRAPE!"
"Do not grape me sir!"
"I'm a female!"
"Do not start grapeing me ma'am!"
by Scooter000019 January 16, 2017
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The act of groping and raping at the same time
Alexis grabs Becca's boobs

Becca: "stop grapeing me!"
by Lexxx! January 19, 2008
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When you constantly send your friend (or boyfriend) the grape emoji and you replace 'great' with 'grape' in every sentence. You also may stand on a table throwing grapes at them and hissing.
"It's great!"
"Yeah it's GRAPE!"
"Do not grape me sir!"
"I'm a female!"
"Do not start grapeing me ma'am!"
by Scooter000019 January 16, 2017
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the act of punching a mans ball-sack repeatedly until swollen and turns purple.
grapeing "she graped her boyfriend for cheating on her."
by kinky-dino December 2, 2013
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purple weed- purp
good tasting weed
weed that is dark in color
i'm gettin me some grapes tonight
by cali-babe February 19, 2005
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Typically used as on god, but instead grape. Used when you're talking about how it really be sometimes.
Example 1: On grape dis is fax B.
Example 2: On grape it really b lik this sometimes
by dankestofemall February 28, 2019
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