the act of 'getting facetime' is getting alone with your girl or man for some 'quality time'- usually just to do things your friends and parents wouldn't want to see.
GUY: Where you going?

GUY 2: Getting facetime with my girl.
by Jack Lycanthrope December 6, 2006
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Had lots of facetime today, with my boss in London, the kids at home, and mom in Miami.
by MikeZ April 24, 2012
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The act of doing a chick and right before you ejaculate, you look at your watch and jizz on her face while yelling, "FACETIME"!
Friend: Why do your girls eyes look like a rabid raccoon?
You: Because I went all facetime on her last night!
by dmoney777 November 26, 2011
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When you FaceTime a SO and reveal your genitals to each other, and proceed to masturbate. This is much less cool than actually fucking, but done in situations where fucking is not possible, such as long distance.
Dude, how have you and your girl been doing since she moved away
Don’t worry bro, we’ve just been FaceTime fucking
by BeWeNibs June 20, 2019
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When a person spends time showing face at a place of work, family gathering, or at some other public or private commitment, for no other utility or purpose but for the sake of showing face.
I put in a 12 hour shift at the office with my door open, 8 hours of which was actually work, 4 hours of which was totally arbitrary facetime.
by Barbitrary F. June 27, 2018
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1. A basketball term for when you shoot the ball in someone’s mouth.

2. Receiving face from a female.
“Y’all saw that smothered shot, FaceTime no iPhone.”

Your bitch gave me FaceTime no iPhone.”
by Theguy615 April 4, 2021
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The period of time before using the new iPhone's Facetime feature. This is broken after your first Facetime.
Dude, I just got my Facetime Virginity broken on Jim's new iPhone, it was awesome.
by admiralawesome12 July 7, 2010
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