Money-Grub & Witch-Burner 'Dark Arts' & Pseudo-Science 'Economic' *AMORALITY* - a contradiction in syllables and insult to the English language, as the practice is to all Life on Planet Earth our Mother Nature.

Thereis* only 'Morality' and 'Immorality' and both those may need redefining too!
Economorality took a turn for the WORST-POSSIBLE during the Rogerednomics & Ruthanasia period of New ZealLand's* HisTORY, as the nation divisurvived* in exhuberant* Reaganomics Thatcherism, the death of 'community-spirit', outsourcing of labour to sweatshop economies, destruction of 'Main Street' Civic Culture and the dismantling of a hard-won - ie 10,000 plus in EACH of the Wars fought to secure these 'Freedoms' - manufacturing sector of the Egonomy in favour of FIIRE - Finance, Insurance, Immigration & Real Estate.

At least we'll know what NOT to put in our Transformed Constitutional Co-Governance Agreement!
by PartisanZ March 26, 2022
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