To deposit semen in the oral cavity of a receptor, who in turn ingests the load.
Michael: She was looking kinda hungry, so I cumfed her till she passed out.
Father Joe: You are such a great guy! It is a noble act to cumfeed the needy.
Michael: Indeed.
by Cumfeedah May 26, 2010
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When you nut and have to pay the girl afterwards.
John: "Man Kaitlyn was great, but I had to pay the cumfee after."
Jack: "The comfy?"
John: "Exactly."
by etohjohnson May 24, 2017
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When there's no creamer in your house, so you cum in your coffee for a little extra... something.
Awe man I'm out of sugar, cream, and milk.... Guess I'm having a cup of cumfee today...
by Mr.MisterMyster January 24, 2018
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