An Annotation to be placed @ the beginning of a sentence or paragraph to imply truthfulness and or honesty.
Chiemo i like to eat pie.
by Railkmaster July 15, 2010
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A person who is good at school and hates his life. (A.K.A. a Chinese Emo)
Joe: Man that kid is such a Chiemo.
by superawesomedragon April 19, 2009
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A tasteful middle-ground between saying that something/someone is 'chic' and 'emo'.
"I'm wearing all black today, except this scarf. I don't know, was just feeling chiemo today."
by realworldwords October 10, 2018
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When a Chiemo flips his long, black hair. Can be deadly to himself if done to hard.
The Chiemo flip can make you fall out of your chair.
by superawesomedragon April 20, 2009
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