To utterly and totally destroy the punchline of a joke so as to make it completely devoid of any sort of humerous value. Often, the act of CantonING (the verb form) is funny, because the person who catoned the joke often is not aware they have done so.

This term comes from the town of Canton in Central Illinois where people have a tendancy, due to life in such a provincial area, to miss high-brow humor and explain simple jokes with what they see as...jokes.
"He totally Cantoned that joke."

Example of Cantoning:
person "A": "This room smells like 15 kinds of ass."
person "B": "Yeah, almost like 20 kinds of ass!"

Example 2:

Person "A": "What's green and flies?"
Person "B": "Superpickle!"
*laughter ensues*
Canton person: "Yeah, hahaha, or super green bell pepper."
*everyone pauses and stares, looking awkwardly at one another*
Canton person: "Sorry, I work at Hy-Vee."
by Matthew & David Richard July 24, 2004
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Chicano slang for a house in the barrio ese.

Chicano slang para casa o apartamento en el barrio ese.
Ay te wacho en mi canton al rato ese.

Anoche se escucharon puros cuetazos afuera de mi canton ese.

Guarda la merca en tu canton ese.
by elFantasmaEncabronado June 12, 2009
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Canton is a small but crazy ass city up in ohio it simply stands for
True fact
A nigga got shot down here over $11 now that's pathetic. Canton is full of nigga's
by Morice LaMar July 11, 2008
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Canton is one of the higher populated city in ohio and also one of the roughest. Poeople claim that its infested with "hicks" sorry people. All the amish and hillbillies left to go to places like dover and wooster. Whats really in canton is ofcourse the Pro Football Hall of Fame which everyone knows about and a few unheard of factories, not really important. downtown is shitty because most houses are boarded up and crack heads live there. There are also plenty of gangs and hearing about a shoting or robery isnt ever a shock or surprise. Canton has some of the ruddest people ever, but it also has some great people.
Welcome to canton aka lil detriot.
by Ausmosis February 3, 2006
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by T3ARDROPS X3X3 May 1, 2004
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A city in Ohio in which every one thinks is scary, when the real truth it is full of dumb crackheads and hookers and is not threatening what so ever. Every one who "thinks" they are "hard" or "ghetto" claims to be from either Cleveland or Canton. Canton is not "ghetto" it is broke, no one there has any money, thats why it looks the way it does.
Boy #1. "Nigga im from Canton I run dis shit"

Boy #2. "Wow, im soo scared, that only means two things, 1) you dont know who your father is. and 2) your mother is a crack whore. So get the fuck out of here you brokedick peice of shit."

*Boy #1 walks away in shame.
by Flap Finnigan December 31, 2011
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Canton, Ohio is full of different minorities, but mostly blacks. It is the home of the Pro Football Hall of Fame. But it's also a really fucked up city, filled with drug dealers and delinquents. Just go into the south west end and it's full of street drug dealers and whores that live in blue houses. This city is crazy! If you wanna get shot go live in the south west end, but if you wanna get jumped go to the north west end.
La'risha: "Where you get yo drugs gurl?"
La-a: "Canton, they got da best drug dealas eva!"
La'risha: "Right I heard bout dat!"
by Baddest Bxtch January 20, 2011
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