A title of the great creations of iskall85 that have great mustaches and derpy faces.
by Silencebot January 8, 2020
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A person who is a idiot or a retard but you don’t want to hurt their feelings so you call them a “Bumbo”
Person 1 “Dude James is such a Bumbo

Person 2I know right?”
by ThatOneBlackNigga April 19, 2022
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Somebody who's kind of an idiot but you don't want to call them that.
Oh My Gosh, you're such a bumbo!
You bumbo!
by wingedanchor April 12, 2019
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Browning is the Bumbo of our family
by ItzAuxiliary August 14, 2021
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The Combination of the phrase/name Butthole and Bimbo to refer to someone with a lack of socail finesse and who is not a plesant person to be around.
Generally used by hikers and other outdoor friendly people.
"Stop being such a Bumbo!"

"I can't stand that Bumbo!"
by Jamal Hazard October 18, 2006
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A Bum who's a Dumbo - Bumbo
You are such a lil BUMBO!!!
by Chigz Kot September 29, 2006
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It means a sluts assumed sexual partner. It's an acronym for a (brother u musta been on) Originated in Yonkers new york.
"I can't seem to find a man that wasn't your bumbo"

"If she is so pissed at me. Have her bring one of her Bumbo's and we can fight"

"If he's from her town, I'd assume the worst of that bumbo"
by westsydepemp July 23, 2014
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