When you’re sad and emo but don’t look like you are
“I feel so emo right now”
“You don’t emo
“It’s because im brooken
by Lovelypeacheskin November 9, 2021
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To cause something to become sticky, or covered with crumbs.
My friend was eating cheetos while licking his fingers, and changed the song I was listening to and totally brookens my stereo.
by GM451 August 9, 2007
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a kid who likes to ride dirtbikes and pleasuring women
you are such a hunter brookens
by hunter brown October 4, 2011
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To act emotional without without your appearance correlating
“Guys i know you might not be able to tell but im a little emo today”
“Omg ur brooken
by Lovelypeacheskin November 1, 2021
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