A really really really beautiful girl who never seems to realize how amazing she is but flaunts it when she moves and speaks. She radiates confidence and charm but is modest and kind.

She tends to be very sensitive and empathetic but can have moments of ferocity when she feels that she or her friends is being treated unjustly or someones taken advantage of her.

Adrienes are successful in school and career but tend to have trouble with men because of their seemingly flirty nature. If you are a man and you want an Adriene you better make a first approach because Adrienes are flighty and distracted and have many admirers.

can also be spelled Adrienne, Adrian, Adrien, Adrianne or Adriane.
Dude 1: Whoa there whos that?

Dude 2, 4, 5, 6 : Better get in line man I got dibs.

Dude 3: That's Adriene she's nearly impossible to catch

Dude 1: Why? she's smokin

Dude 2: ..but she doesn't know it.
by dominicthemasterofall78 May 27, 2012
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nice awesome people, usually blond, who can be great friends!
Wow! She's so nice! She's such an Adriene!
by Thiderem May 31, 2011
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Adrien is a pure soul that deserves all happiness in the world. Adrien is kind and very protective. Very handsome. Is also a cinnamon roll who just want food
Adrien just wants to eat his croissants. Leave him be.
by adrienette_4_ever January 4, 2018
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an innocent, handsome, wonderful cinnamon roll.
He is famous and has many stalkers, *cough* marinette *cough*
M: HeY adRieN, the nIce is WeaTher motOrroW, eh?
A: wut?
by probably a human March 26, 2018
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sHeS jUSt A fRiEnD. mY lAdY " im Adrien, im blind, pun here pun there"
by Miraculous/Marvel girl June 5, 2019
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*cough cough* She’s *cough* Just a friend *cough cough cough*
Adrien: Oh Marinette? sHe’S jUsT a FrIeNd...
Fandom: HajzaKjHGfRrDyOoJvFsSuOohGvBkODeSe
by Kloverr Psycho December 3, 2019
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Adrien is the best friend you’ll ever meet. He’s funny, loyal, respects what you like / do. And will help you in any situation. He knows anyone and will make friends with them immediately.

He’s great at drawing, music, and games. He’s smart and likes school a lot. If your best friend is an Adrien, you’re just lucky, because, everyone wants to become his friend.

Nobody will pick on him because he’s so like-able. Nothing will get in his way, because, he will never give up. When he starts something, he will go through to the end.

He loves making friends and doesn't think he has many friends even though he knows everyone. He will like you for who you are, and will stick through a relationship ‘till the very end.

That’s who I think an Adrien is.
Wow is your friend an Adrien? He’s so funny and like-able!
by TastyPicklesMmmmm September 19, 2019
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