590 is a acronymn meaning that some one is tired of living.
Also can mean some one who is just tired at the moment or the day...
590 is a acronymn meaning that some one is tired of living.
Also can mean some one who is just tired at the moment or the day...
by regardless devon victory January 23, 2010
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Short for sex or fucking. It's the number coded on a Chinese temporary tattoo, and its a good code word for when you don't want certain people to know what you're talking about.
"I love 590." "Dude I just 590ed with my girlfriend. It was amazing."
by angrymobofme August 17, 2009
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The Mossberg 590 pump action shotgun with the barrel over the tubular magazine. Pump-action shotguns, also called "slide-action repeating shotguns" or "slide-action shotguns" are a class of shotguns that are distinguished in the way in which spent shells are extracted and fresh ones are chambered.
Right u cunt im gonna blow my head of with the Mossberg 590 pump action shotgun with the barrel over the tubular magazine. Pump-action shotguns, also called "slide-action repeating shotguns" or "slide-action shotguns" are a class of shotguns that are distinguished in the way in which spent shells are extracted and fresh ones are chambered.
by I hate jarrad April 15, 2022
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