When you playing so trash at the game madden,2k, and fortnite. So if you dribbling for the whole 24 second then pass to a team mate so they can get the violation “cough coughJAMO. Also when you do spin dunks the whole game and get bailed out “cough cough” des.
Yo Des and Jamo stop being a Fag aka acting or playing gay.
by Official_Akeem_ June 27, 2021
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This quote is similar to Ludacris' song "Act a fool", from 2Fast2Furious, which means "acting like a fool, in a desperate way" aka "last resort, trump card". However, this one means "act like a fool, while you're smarter than everyone else". Or in other words, "Trolling 101". It may be similar in some situations.... =)

"Act the fool" also means, in some countries, "fazer-se de parvo".
Crowd: "haha, that guy is such a tool! Let's make fun of him!!"
Guy 1: (thinking w/ a grin) "hehe.... they think I'm a fool. I'll show them!"
Guy 2: "Yeah man.... Act the fool..." (thumbs up)
by PTwriter September 29, 2017
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December 6th is national act slow day, a day where you act slow and retarted all day .
Alex: December 6th you know what that means...
Brie: National act slow day..
by Jayla Cat December 5, 2019
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The stand that can spin your ballz but if it want to spin your ballz it have to punch it so.... it did.Feel good?.
Tusk act 4 is used as BALLZ spinner
by UNISINED January 31, 2022
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The ability to commit suicide under certain stipulations that requires you to have a will and a power of attorney to handle all things for you for six months and if you don’t commit suicide in that time you have the ability to regain your right to decision making over your own matters in most states this is called assisted suicide
by Statesrights March 15, 2021
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A small-time drama group that will one day make you laugh...or cry, hopefully both. Honestly, its amazing and you should watch it. Usually involving Pirates or 24. A channel on YouTube.
Awesome kid #1: Have you seen the latest Randumb Acts skit?

Awesome kid #2 Eff, yeah! I laughed so hard, blood came out my ears!

Awesome kid #1 Dude, that group PWNs!!!!

(Both High Five)
by Krittr March 23, 2009
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Devious Acts is when one or more people (typically friends) plan to troll someone online. They troll people by doing something malicious to their target without them noticing. It is ideal for their target to not know who did the trolling because that makes it a lot funnier. However, its okay if they do find out because the damage has already been done. Even if they find out mid-trolling, they can't do anything to stop the devious act.
by AstFlo June 12, 2023
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