the greatest thing in the world, and the act of dying.
person 1: hay did you finish stranger things last night!
person 2: yessss!! then I screamed, peed my pants, and ran around my room crying.
by nylabyla November 2, 2017
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When you're jerking off (right before you get a potential cactus jack) a jack stranger is when you sit on your arm and then masturbate so it feels like a stranger is jacking you off.
"Johns wife wasn't putting out so he enjoys giving himself Jack Strangers when she's being frigid."
by CookiesandCream2 October 31, 2013
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(V.): The act of going to a particularly crowded or new place solely to catch new people, fall in love with their stories & then let them go. I find stranger fishing beautiful. It helps you find hope in humanity when you understand how people function. Grab someone new by the wrist and reel them in. Find a stranger and make him or her not-so-strange. Keep in mind that when you stranger fish you have to be selfless. The conversation is more-so about learning about the stranger than sharing your personal stories. First, listen to theirs. Perhaps they may try to stranger fish in return but give them courtesy of your entire focus/attention. I promise you will learn so much.
Shannon is stranger fishing at the park again! She is sitting next to someone alone on the bench, asking how the person is and proceeding to ask what he wants to do in life and why.
Doug is asking that stranger what his inkling is, what that one thing in the back of his mind is that seems so impossible that he always wanted to attain; he must be stranger fishing!
by -the first stranger fisher- November 10, 2013
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Stranger things is a hit show streaming on Netflix
It is about a boy called will who goes missing in a alternate universe. Joyce (wills mother) thinks her son is talking to her through the lights and thinks he's still out there. But will isnt the only one stuck in that place, something is out there, something unreal.
by Millie Brown fan! January 9, 2018
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Funniest show to come out on comedy central. Staring Jerry Blank a middle-age women who goes back to highschool in an effort to finally graduate.Best watched when drunk.
Pass me that 40 and pop Strangers with candy in the dvd player.
by jerryblank May 16, 2005
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An amazing Netflix series that has two seasons
Have you watched stranger things?

Of course! Who hasn't?
by 12ab34cd November 11, 2017
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any kind of meat with unknown cleanliness or point of origin
"Dude, the cafeteria is serving burgers today"

"Im not touching that stranger bacon"
by maxm246 November 29, 2013
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