When a chick darts on the toilet after a piss to dry her vagina.
Hey babe, no wipe I piss farted!
by Greenhunt May 20, 2018
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When your pissing and you still have more piss to piss, but then you fart and the pressure is released so you cant piss anymore
Damn bro, my massive piss was just ruined by a piss fart
by The poop-dealer July 7, 2021
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Noun: a fart that was meant to be silent, but after release results in immediate mortification and humiliation by the party involved.
My wife and were quietly in bed when she released a dread fart and I couldn't stop laughing.
by Toyboy78 July 21, 2022
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A FART SMELLER is often mistaken as a Smart Feller or a Smart Speller. The difference is that a Fart Smeller also smells farts.
That a-hole is such a Fart Smeller and always gets a 100 on the spelling exams!!!
by Dr. Real Nasty March 5, 2023
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"I thought I needed to do a dump, but instead i just did a fart" "Man you've just done a royal fart!"
by cuntboy327 February 27, 2015
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Similar to a roundhouse kick expect in bed, when you’re all worn out. All of a sudden your right leg gets a burst of energy launching your right knee into the air projecting gas which delivers a final blow to your blanket before a deep slumber.
Shrek: oi Fiona!
Fiona: shrek!
Fiona: These are what the locals use as a useful hallucigenic.
by Dr Bunnyboy March 12, 2022
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a brief mental blank when attempting to pick out an outfit, complete forgetfulness of one's own ability to put an outfit together without mental strain.
I've been looking through my closet for hours and I still can't find anything to wear - I'm having a total fashion brain fart!
by misslaurendeane November 29, 2021
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