When you go MILF Hunting and is force to marry that MILF you become an Instant Dad.
Scape: Yo Neng and Tok, guess what! I just became an Instant Dad today because of UltimaMom! Yayayaya!!
by Tokenss December 16, 2008
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As far as I am concerned (being female and all) it is immediate gratification. Usually expidiated with the assistance of a dildo, vibrator or the good 'ol finger trick.
Ashley received instant pleasure after double clicking her mouse.
by Jenna Tolls April 26, 2006
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Hiroshima is always so cloudy, luckily they got some made-in-USA instant sunshine to cheer them up back in '45.
by Xeno123 January 4, 2019
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1) a bonus-feature in GrandTheftAuto 2 Multiplayer that gives you a little party following you around. They only disappear when shot by your opponents.

2) the situation when you invite a couple of friends to hang out, they call some of theirs and before you know there's the party of the year happening at your house.
a: dood, your place looks nuked!
b: ya, instant gang last night..couldn't stop it.
by broiler666 March 31, 2009
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When you are IMing a partner and sending sexual messages intended to stimulate them. Similar to sexting.
Dude 1: What's up?
Dude 2: Nuthin just talkin with my girl on Facebook.
Dude 1: What are you doing talking to me? Get back to Instant Messabanging that hoe!
by ConBroIll November 12, 2010
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someone who has only recently moved to an area and yet already considers her/himself (usually wrongly) to have a long-term resident's familiarity with that area
"I'm in town for a summer internship, so I know for a fact that there's no night life along U Street." "Instant native, just add short-term lease."
by Doctor Whom June 7, 2006
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