you are unsure in thoughts semi-confused
"idk what to do, i am confused in what i should be doing next or even at the moment"
by viicctoriiaa November 18, 2006
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idk what idk means
by Anonymous September 22, 2003
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i dont know - to annoy many, idk how i do that...

so idk blah night i finaly got some sleep

A word that is a GREAT PAIN to many in AASF....

it must be dealt with, with the utmost care *FRAG OUT!*
by (-SF-)GhostRider December 27, 2005
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A dumb and unsophisticated way of saying "I Don't Know." Usually used by lazy teenagers who spend their time going on myspace and drinking orange soda.
guy 1: Do you know what 2+2 is?
dumb teen: idk
guy 1: My house is on fire! What should I do?!
dumb teen:uhhhh...... idk....get insurance?

teacher: Karie, you wrote "IDK" on all of your test answers. Could you explain why you did this?
dumb teen: uhhh......IDK.......

-scratches head-
by JeanieXO October 21, 2009
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