An abbreviation commonly used for the word I don't know. It is used online by many people in programs such as AIM or MSN to save time.
Also made famous by the commercial "idk my bff gill?"
So0 SaRaH sAiD (12:41:34 AM): i was supposed 2 go online and figure out how i find out how many texts ive sent this month '
Fangzhou14 (12:41:45 AM): oh.... lol
So0 SaRaH sAiD (12:41:49 AM): but idk how
Fangzhou14 (11:35:15 PM): that's the 187th time you said idk.
by Fangzhou June 26, 2007
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it means idk
by Pingu696969 December 2, 2019
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by October 31, 2022
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Abrevation for "I don't know"
Person 1: What is a rickroll
Person 2: idk search it con urban Dictionary here is the link:
Rick astley: *Insert here lyrics of Never Gonna Give You Up*
Person 1: WTF is this
Person 2: A rickroll XD
by 7H3 5P4N15H 0N3 August 26, 2021
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'idk' it's an abbreviation for 'I Döner Kebab'
- what do you want for dinner?
- idk
by inito_ January 16, 2023
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A: it's this way
B: idk
A: trust me it is
B: idk man
A: shows proof
B: oh ok i was wrong and you were right as always
by isaacosbraah November 5, 2020
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