The most northern state in the 48 contiguous states that is said to be filled with conservative hicks by the retarded idiots on this site. Although it is actually the bluest state in the entire nation. Even New York sometimes votes Republican. Minnesota was the only state to vote blue in the 1984 election.
Minnesota - land of the 10,000 lakes

Minnesota - land of the 10,000,000 liberals
by Clinker September 16, 2007
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10,000 Lakes and 10,000,000,000 Mosquitos. There are more Houses on Water Fronts then compared to Hawaii,California,Florida and Alaska and any other state that borders water....
Minnesota what more is there to say! For 6 to 7 months out of the year its WINTER. Where we use salt to melt snow, Use anti freezing liquid so our GAS doesnt freeze and some people have to plug there cars in to electrical outlet not to charge the car but to keep from letting the oil freeze cause yes OIL can freeze GASOLINE can also freeze.WEIRD!!!
by Big Bear May 7, 2006
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The best state ever, yes we have the funny accents, and no the state is not flat and prarie like and land of nothing like everybody says, thats only souther minnesota and up by the dakotas, but minnesota is manily trees, lakes, rivers,u know wilderness, its quite lovely. It is manily made up of small iron mining towns, not everyone likes the governor, infact most dont, its just younger people think its cool to have a celebrity, infact i dont like him, he brought our state into a hell hole, and it basically is a liberal state, which is a shame, because mostly everyone here hunts and fishes, and does other sportsmen activities. Mostly everyone here is of Scandinavian descent. And its not a hick state where the hell do people get that from. We have the best weather and seasons, Fall it gets really beautiful out with the trees and is normal weather out, Winter it gets dead chilly and the whole northern state is pure white and looks really nice, and Spring its not the most beautiful looking out manily because all the snow is disapearing and the grass is yellow and its wet out, and summer it gets dead hot out, usually between the 80s and 100s, so we get to experience the best examples of seasons, ice cold winters, and dead hot summers. Minnesota is home to many bands, actors, actresess, companies, and many more, that are huge across the world. Not everyone here plays hockey, but we are good at it, its the best state in the US despite some of inperfections, but every state has them.
We say Minnesooduh, u say minnesota, our old and new governor suck.
by MINNESOODUH RUULES September 4, 2005
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one of the best places to live, theres nice people and a lot of fun stuff to do idk what this little bitch ass hernando is talking about, its not all fields there are big cities and we're rich bitch! and we dont talk fuckin retarded. his bummy ass couldnt handle minnesota and the winter, he would freez in the negative degrees weather we have, while id be outside playin basketball in shorts and a t-shirt
the city of maple groove, minnesota is getting their own football stadium for their high school
by brk! January 15, 2011
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An awesome state with cool people and places (except the fuckin' dumbass conservative hicks). If you visit this state be sure not to venture too far north of the twin cities. This state has the most varied weather. ever.
Guy 1: I'm so glad we didn't go any further north than the twin cities. Minnesota's so cool.

Guy 2: I know. I read on urbandictionary that there's dumb republican hick's up their, and it's probably snowing way harder up north right now than it is here.

Guy 1: Yeah. I can't believe it was like, ninety degrees ten seconds ago. Cool. I mean...weird.
by Billy Billy Billy May 29, 2006
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This Midwestern swing state was once dominated by DFL'ers, but over the years has held a more conservative stance in the political arena. It can be characterized by various types of extremes, for example it proudly boasts The Mall of America, below zero temperatures, SUVs, high obesity rates, and caucasian majorities of approximately 90%. The state is geographically isolated, with few tourists or habitants from outside the Middle American area. As a result, its residents tend to be racially homogenious, socially secluded and culturally isolated.
by L. L. H. October 10, 2006
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1. State that should be Canada because the accents are the same, it's just as cold, and the people are nicer in Canada.

2. There's only two seasons. NO...not summer and winter. Winter and spring. 80 degrees is not hot, people. But -30 is cold.

3. State where snowmobiles are more often present in parking lots than cars.

4. "Oh ya, you betcha" is often heard coming out of the mouth of a Minnesotan.
1. "Oh, hey, Ike, you see the hockey game?"
"Sure, did, them silly Canadians...huh. Didja go deer huntin'?"
"Oh ya...hey Ike...I'm from Canada."
"Are ya?"
"Oh, sure, I say 'eh'."

2. "Damn it's HOT!"said the Minnesotan in his state.
"Heeeelllpp...." moaned the Minnesotan when visiting Missouri in July.

"Hey, look, snow! The weather says it's gonna snow 4 feet! And it's gonna be -25!"
"Awesome! Let's go fishing!"

3. "Jack, can you give me a ride to school?"
"Sure, bring your own helmet."

4. "You see the Vikings game?"
"Oh ya, you betcha! Vikings doing great!"
by Daniyelli March 1, 2007
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