Da famous lovely "highway-themed" song dat Linda Ronstadt composed to tell about what happened when she came barreling up behind you at 70-plus mph while you were just serenely moseying down da road at a much-more-modest 35.
Good thing dat none of da "men in BLUE" happened to be watching "Da Great L.R." on this particular occasion, or her now-world-famous "BLEW By You" song might never have been written.
by QuacksO November 16, 2018
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When a hoe gives a man blue balls on purpose to get arouse.
Damn she is a blew hoe stay away!!!
by Total bitch July 1, 2017
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Slang - To blow someone off for no reason.
Man, Ashley was supposed to call when she was getting close, she must have blew me.
by the blue boy November 19, 2022
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To poop so hard you pop a hemorrhoid.
Person 1: Why are still in the bathroom?
Person 2: I blew a fuse!
by Davepoleon February 10, 2016
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1. v. To have vomited
see heave
Man, who blew lunch in the library?
by Jack M. June 2, 2006
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My girlfriend is totally "Blew-tooth", hands free: she gives the best blowjob on the planet.
by G to the 3 March 9, 2011
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when a guy blows up in his pants. he fills his pants with cum
barby:did you pee yourself?
ken:no i blew up
by apple crisp September 20, 2005
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