A (self)recursive (or self-referencing) backronym (an acronym created for a word that wasn’t originally an acronym) meaning “That Worthless-Ass Twat”.
Someone: Fuck, that twat is annoying!
Someone Else: What’s that mean, the word twat?
Someone: It stands for “That Worthless-Ass Twat.
Someone Else: Oh, okay! Wait. What’s the last word in the definition mean?
Someone: It, too, stands for “That Worthless-Ass Twat”.
Someone Else: So it’s an acronym whose meaning refers back to itself, correct?
Someone: Correct!
Someone Else: Word! Thank you!
Someone: You’re welcome!
by sidelander November 28, 2019
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a twat someone who claims to be a best-seller having only sold a total of ....... 30 books
Richard James Rodgers is the biggest twat on Facebook
by Jean-Pierre Le Roux May 30, 2020
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1. Derived from England, referring to the genitalia of a woman.

2. Used to refer to a person who is stupid; similar to fucktard
1. Close your legs, I can see your twat!

2. Did you seriously just misspell "urban"? God, you are such a twat.
by livingdictionary October 27, 2014
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someone who did not want to get the jelly
"a girl in a nothing relationship got called a Twat for arguing against her boyfriend about jelly. While making up, the girl told the boy about the jelly in the cabinet and the jelly gods struck the twat down. popularized by Dane Cook."
by iamameliarawr June 25, 2006
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An unpleasant tweet (through twitter). It brings bad news.
"My girlfriend sent me a twat last night, saying we're done
Someone twatted me from Japan-saying the reactors are melting down.
by CupkakeVindog March 20, 2011
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the vagina
that chick has a fishy twat, she needs to clean dat shit out
by dadouf January 11, 2002
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1. Person who twitters way too much.
2. The past tense of twittering.
3. Vagina.
4. Combination of 1 and 3.
1. Man last night you changed your twitter message like a thousand times, I dont really give a shit when you decided to flick on the TV you twat!
2. I twat ya last night, didn't you get it?
3. See that girls twat yo, it had teeth or some crazy shit!
4. Man you twitter too much, you really are a twat.
by lightxspeed April 19, 2009
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