Like a sexist, a misogynist doesn't treat females like they're better than males, or treat them better than males. A misogynist treats females like males even when the females don't like what they hear.
The guy is a misogynist for not giving out free respect to females who haven't done anything but disrespect him. A misogynist is a guy who doesn't know why he owes any female any more respect than a female owes him, which is none.
by Solid Mantis July 31, 2018
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Any failed man who has to blame feminism for all his many problems.
Bitter because feminists aren't the ugly hags his equally stupid father drummed into his head since he was a child (unwanted, of course)
Any listener to Rush Limbaugh, who seems to bash ANY woman who would never find them attractive. These dumb "misogynists" should look in the mirror before criticizing ANY woman.
by Vile_Sorry_Little_Bitch January 2, 2010
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sick men who get their ya yas from mind-fucking innocent women.
Some men really take everything their mothers did to them to the grave.
by been-there July 25, 2004
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Someone who massages another as a career and or hobby
Man A: "I'm a certified Misogynist."
Man B: "..."
Man A: "..."
by John Joe Jarry Johnson April 19, 2021
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A word that people overuse nowadays to chastise men for simply talking about anything woman. It's also overused by feminists as a way to shun a man into never talking about much needed male subjects.
Man- Women will use men for their money if given the chance.
Woman- that's misogynist.
Man- no, that's just reality
by Psychology123 August 18, 2022
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Someone who can never fuck women, so they hate them.
Misogynist:WOMEN SUCK!
Me:No, you just can't fuck them, worthless male.
by tamtam27 October 24, 2010
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It's hard to take "Misogynist" as an insult from people who use "Small Dick" as an insult. Not hating women doesn't get my dick sucked so there really isn't any reason to like them. Other then fucking them; what is there to like? Name one thing. Selfish, needy, dishonest, ignorant, each and everyone of them. Believe it or not I actually stopped to think while I was writing this. Can I think of one thing? No. Still nothing. They don't do anything for anyone who doesn't have a fat cock. What do they have to offer? Nothing. Not I single thing to anyone they aren't willing to let fuck them.
by Hym Iam January 5, 2021
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