*The state of hockey.
*Home to Hockey town,usa (not to be confused with the "fake" hockey town,usa 'detroit'...detroit is a city..not a town fawkers)
*land of 10,000 lakes
*minnesota nice...unless of course you are driving
*We do not say "eh"...thats canada
*"a's" and "o's" are pronounced differently than everyone else....
"Im from minnesotah!"
by Yo_ma\'ma July 31, 2003
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Minnesota: an upper MidWest state, populated by Nordic descendants (hence the Vikings NFL team) and Native Americans. Located on the edge of the flat and seemingly endless praire, the state gets blast-chilled by polar winds for most of the year. The bulk of the people live in the Twin Cities (hence the MN Twins MLB team) and the surrounding cookie-cutter sprawl, while the rest of the state is scattered with God-forsaken iron mining towns (up north) or small, Lutheranesque farming communities that produce wheat and soybeans, which later get moved around by unsightly, rectangular barges down the Mississippi river or shipped to far-away places from the Duluth harbor. The state is characterized by high taxes, high welfare levels (possibly Scandinavian influences), strong economy (scores of large co.'s are HQed here, incl. Gen Mills that made the cereal you are for breakfast, 3M that made your lint roller, Medtronic that made your grandpa's pacemaker, Hormel that makes the Spam you grew up on, Polaris that made your uncle Duffy's snowmobile, Target, whose repulsive target-eye dog seems to be everywhere, etc.), changing demographics (growing Latino, Somali and Hmong enclaves), changing politics (a pronounced shift to the right). Vacationing generally means "goin' to the cabin up Nort'" for fishing and boating, while the winter is spent is super-luxurious ice fishing shacks with TVs and bunk beds, drinking the local Grain Belt beer. The people are overall Minnesotah-nice, meaning that anything that they disapprove of is glossed over as "oh, that's different". The state's public radio service (recently renamed AMerican Public Media) produces some of the most popular national programs, such as Prairie Home Companion, Marketplace, Speaking of Faith, St Paul Sunday, Futuretense, etc. Quite a feat for a semi-frozen swath of land that has about 5 mil people in it.
Minnesota frequently makes it on the last page of your daily hometown paper as the coldest place in the nation.
by Hernand Poncho January 22, 2005
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Has been voted the cleanest state, very good education.The Xcel center was voted the best in the states. We have the largest mall(that STILL doesn't have a lacoste store) And of course, the state of hockey. I believe wayzata has the largest youth hockey association in the country. forgive me if i am wrong. And Minnesotan residents really don't have crazy weird accents like people think.
by i love you x33 July 6, 2007
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A land of many things. Depending where you are at. Lots of alcoholics and snow. However there is also lots of nice people and sun. Land of lakes and land of mosquitoes. Land of people who are smart and are dumb. But where ever you are in Minnesota you can most of the time have fun.
"Brr, it's freaking cold out here!"
next day
"Damn, it's freaking hot out here!"
by Edub Troms July 1, 2005
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minnesota is best state in the whole country. it has a wide variety of weather situations inculding SUMMER where the temperature can reach up to about 100 degrees. there are a lot of different races religons and people here and PLUS our governer can beat up your governer!
all minnesotans are extremly sexy and very good at snowboarding or skiing
by andrea March 9, 2005
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A state with 3 seasons: Winter, Mosquitos, and road construction.
what if these mosquitos evolve and can with-stand 50 below temps???
by dazie July 18, 2005
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First off, the "Minnesota accent" is an urban legend. No such thing exists. The people in Minnesota have your standard upper Midwestern accent. Travel through surrounding states, Iowa, Wisconsin, etc... and you'll find that you won't encounter a special Minnesota accent. There is a lot of truth in the stereotypes you hear, but the accent is simply a legend. Second, to the ignorant person who said that Minnesota is some hick state full of conservative hillbillies, think again. Minnesota is in fact very progressive, and has a decent metropolitan area. It is not hick country. Sure, we lack good weather or beaches, sure there aren't mega-cities like New York, sure New York and San Francisco are probably billions of times more exciting then the Twin Cities and sure the geology in Minnesota can seem dull. But what we lack in geology we make up for in greenery. Unlike barren Nevada and Utah, Minnesota is very lush and green. Also, unlike New York and San Francisco, things are quite cheap here. In conclusion, don't base your opinion of Minnesota off the garbage Hollywood and TV feed you.
Holywood says: Minnesota=hick country, Rational person says: Minnesota=perfectly ordinary state not terribly exciting but certainly not hick country,
by anonymous person #2 January 17, 2007
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