Refers to where you are unknowingly expelling a "separated pair" of stumpy poop-logs (rather than just a "standard" one-piece turd of considerable length) with a sizable "gap" of pressurized methane in between them; the result is an explosive whooshy bang partway though the dump that echoes hollowly in the toilet-bowl and is amplified/intensified by said bowl, just like the sounding-board of a drum or stringed instrument.
A backfire-poop can be highly embarrassing for the pooper if others are within earshot at the time. Some guys, however, are actually proud of making these "impressive" anal indiscretions, since it proves that they only produce "manly-sized" turds which "seal in the combustion", with no blow-by from a minuscule-diameter poop-log's allowing the gas to wastefully/splutteringly seep past the emerging turd in a much-less-spectacular noise-display.
by QuacksO September 28, 2018
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A sexual act of orally inhaling the flatulence out of another's anus.
That bitch is so fine, I'd give her a Mississippi backfire!
by AHol51 December 20, 2015
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While a woman's giving birth, someone shoves his/her hand into her vagina, pushing the baby back into her uterus.
One: I was doin' this hooker, and she went into labor!

Two: Oh my god, what did you do?!

One: Baby Backfire.

Two: Good man.
by Justis. January 9, 2010
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When you have received so many Blumpkins that you can only orgasm when you smell shit. When people fart you wind up following them around, nose to their ass, and jacking off at the same time. Instead of flushing the toilet after you pinch off a biscuit you leave it there for months, because the more rancid the odor the farther you shoot your load.
Blumpkin Backfire (adj.) "Fuck man I was with this hot slut on a date, and the fat guy next to me farted... next thing I knew I was butt naked jerkin' my turkey and spitting up mayo all over my ho's tank top!"
by Tyler Breckenridge November 11, 2005
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1. to fuck up whilst hitting on a girl.
2. the name of a song by the popular liverpool band the wombats. based on an incident of the same type featured in item one.
It's 8 o' clock and I'm feeling fine
I'm out on a date tonight
In a candle lit restaurant down by the riverside
Everything’s going alright I guess
She took down my number and home address
Everything was going perfectly until...

It backfired at the disco, she slapped me at the disco, I did something I'll never forget

It was a chat-up line built not to impress
More a sleazy remark on her whorish dress
My wires crossed like they've never done before
Well it's 3 o' clock and I'm feeling shite
I'm going home alone tonight
I made a move when it was well out of context

It backfired at the disco, she slapped me at the disco
I did something I'll never forget
It backfired at the disco, we were dancing at the disco
I made a move when it was well out of context

It backfired at the disco, we were dancing at the disco
It backfired at the disco, we were dancing at the disco
Yeah, it backfired at the disco, when she slapped me at the disco
It backfire at the disco, we were dancing at the disco

the wombats song describing how the lead singer 'backfired at the disco'.
by farisrotter June 27, 2007
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When you (son) and your mum are having anal sex in her bedroom, your dad walks in. You insist him to fuck you in the ass. When he is fucking you, you cum in your mum's ass and she shits all the cum and shit out onto your face. When your dad is about to climax, he cum's on the shit, which is on your face, and smears it all around your body. This is the "Backfiring Bull".
Mum: Son do you want to fuck me in the ass.
Son: (Casual) ye sure, got nothing better to do.
(Mum and Son having anal sex)
Dad: (Walks in) What the Fuck?
Dad: (Casual) sure, why not.
(When son's about to cum)
Son: Lets do the BACKFIRING BULL!
Mum & Dad: FUCK YE!!!
by Bob Thompson Jr. September 25, 2011
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The act of a gentlemen urinating in the urinal , while the urinal spews his own urine back at him .
Me : hey bro i gotta take a leak .

Friend: alright man

Friend (5 mins later) : dude what happend to your pants?!?!
Me: oh yeah , i had some "urinal backfire" if you know what i mean.
by Exotic guy December 4, 2013
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