The shittest all boys school in london, if you go there you're probably gonna fail at life, The school itself is falling apart and is broke as fuck.
Look at that homeless guy, probably went to London Nautical school
by Mr Bull September 24, 2017
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Having sex on a ship that is more than one nautical mile out to sea. Similar to the mile high club
With so much time out to sea, you can't help but wonder how many sailors have joined the nautical mile club.
by sailor17 January 2, 2007
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An amount exceeding the limit of imagination or, more realistically, greatly exceeding expectations.
I have a nautical metric fuckton of things to do today, I wasn't expecting all of this on my plate.
by Voideater October 5, 2011
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The amount of distance that is tolerable to mention Boku no Pico from me or any sane person on this fricking planet
Person 1: I watch boku no pico

Me: do not mention that within ten nautical miles of me
by CABAGE No2 April 25, 2022
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People who have nautical star tattoos have said it is: a symbol to follow your dreams, a remembrance star, something to let everyone know that you rely on the stars to guide you in the specific path you choose, or representing love.
"Have you seen Kayla's Nautical Star Tattoo?"
"Ya its fucking sexy, I heard she got it because of me."
by Scarredforlife October 8, 2013
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a special network set up for special sam that helps him with his stupid study also he gets nautical zeros (-115) on test that he fails and didnt study for
so sam got a nautical zero on his algerbra stupid study test
by PNGS October 22, 2004
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Sex on a jet ski in cowgirl position while on the ocean
After I rolled her from her starboard side, she rode me in the nautical cowboy till the seals came home
by Nickrad158 July 27, 2018
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