4 definitions by PNGS

is the class that special sam takes and doesnt even paint the pine cone right but gets a pat on back and 1/2 a point for trying 1/2 a point counts for a 100
sam got 3 points and 2 pats on the back today for trying in 6 subjects
by PNGS October 22, 2004
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a special network set up for special sam that helps him with his stupid study also he gets nautical zeros (-115) on test that he fails and didnt study for
so sam got a nautical zero on his algerbra stupid study test
by PNGS October 22, 2004
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also known as special sam the boy that god forgot
Jesus talking: ow well we forgot another one
by PNGS October 22, 2004
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sams special credit card that his mom emailed to petty and petty denies that he recieved it
god cant help you here sam and neither can all of the card or emails in the world
by PNGS October 23, 2004
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