Male masturbation :

To have a Wank - a Toss - to Jerk Off - Do the Five Knuckle Shuffle - Bashing the Bishop, etc.
To round off the evening, my woman played the Blue Vein Melody on my old chap!
by Boocher October 22, 2010
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When you are a man and you have sex and a few hours later you have to pee bit the crusty jizz is blockng the way causing a sharp pain.
"Damn man I forgot to clean things off after I banged Sheila last night. Thought I peed glass for second."

"Dude, blue veined log jam... you always forget."
by Leper Khan November 16, 2017
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a disease for when it kinda feels like your veins are made out of poison
Did you hear that Meaghan had poison veins?
by Meban0_0 May 5, 2022
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Someone on a train who gives you a vein, because something they are doing is annoying you, perhaps even their face!
"That person over there is the ultimate vein on a train."

"I wish that person would turn their music off, they're becoming a vein on a train."

"Why does she feel the need to constantly purse her lips, she is a massive vein on a train."
by Leonard Bott III May 17, 2008
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The day all men shy or proud flex all their veins on social media.
“OMG he’s SO hot I want him to choke me, look at his arms...vein day gets me wet wet.”
by Gspotgasm September 25, 2020
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We are like the blood in our veins, we must flow without ever stopping, we must keep the oxygen moving so that the mind can function at peak efficiency

-said by the one and only kuroo😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
We are like the blood in our veins, we must flow without ever stopping, we must keep the oxygen moving so that the mind can function at peak efficiency

Yes daddy 💞💞💞💞”
by Kenmassidehoe July 8, 2021
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Blue Veined Meat Roll is a penis.
I think Bob was trying to serve Becky the Blue Veined Meat Roll for dinner.
by Grandpa Norm March 17, 2023
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