1) Something that is exact or close to perfect, usally spoken by a person of relativly high IQ
2) A modified pick-up truck or SUV, usally a toyota. These are used by terrorist organizations for pretty much everything. Seen very often in Africa and South America. Usally seen with a .50-caliber machine gun or Rocket-Propelled-Gernade (RPG} mounted on the bed. Useful for drive-bys until the US Army pulls up with thier Humvees. Also they include a CB radio system installed. Only Western military forces use VHF radio systems. Technicals are usally poorly driven and have a few rebel/terrorist fighters in the back firing/attempting to fire the machine gun mounted in the back. Also holding AK-47s.
2) A modified pick-up truck or SUV, usally a toyota. These are used by terrorist organizations for pretty much everything. Seen very often in Africa and South America. Usally seen with a .50-caliber machine gun or Rocket-Propelled-Gernade (RPG} mounted on the bed. Useful for drive-bys until the US Army pulls up with thier Humvees. Also they include a CB radio system installed. Only Western military forces use VHF radio systems. Technicals are usally poorly driven and have a few rebel/terrorist fighters in the back firing/attempting to fire the machine gun mounted in the back. Also holding AK-47s.
by IrishRepublicanArmy November 3, 2003
A word used in mountain biking, mountaineering, and other similar outdoor recreation sports to denote that something is more challenging to traverse.
That mountain bike trail was fun, but one section of it was too technical for me so I had to walk my bike through it.
by UsefulInfoBeing March 26, 2019
by Sean September 29, 2003
were having a technicality.
by OLLIE6197 March 5, 2005
by Mickey Dangerous July 5, 2004
(a slangized term from my man Iver, though he didn't think to put it in here) Use in place of the words cool, sweet, awesome, etc. Note: it has nothing to do with the subject being actually technical, or anything to do with technical things possibly being cool. The word is THAT slangized.
by macustud January 15, 2004
That guy who begins his sentences with "Actually..." and corrects you to stroke his own ego.
Technical Tori is a female who does much the same.
Technical Tori is a female who does much the same.
Morgan: "What time is it?"
Paul: "It's 11:30."
Daniel: "Actually, it's 11:29!"
Morgan: "Dude, Daniel, don't be such a Technical Tony."
Paul: "It's 11:30."
Daniel: "Actually, it's 11:29!"
Morgan: "Dude, Daniel, don't be such a Technical Tony."
by nostringer January 11, 2012