Poor sod, his girlfriend is only interested in storking.
by lylu May 23, 2015
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Can replace any adjectives or verb.
"That was a storkin' party last night!"
"Yeah, I got storked last night by six girls!"
by Heidi and Jacob March 12, 2007
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a poor excuse for explaining sex & where babies come from
Jerry: Mommy telled me that babies come fwum the stork

Poppa- Man dats buu shit!!! Where is that lyin' bitch so I can show you how babies really get made??!!
by bojzzle March 15, 2006
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1. Verb.

When a couple has an unwanted pregnancy occur.

To be storked, to get storked.
"Oh did you hear about John and Mandy? They got storked."
by divadwilson September 15, 2008
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A combination of stunning and fucking awful. Usually used to refer to something aesthetic/an object.
by Barbara_Bangkok May 13, 2022
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Damn that girl is hot, someone should stork that bitch.

I storked that fly honey.
by Mitch Side & Doug E. September 7, 2010
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When you merge your picture with a stork and see what your baby would look like.
I've been storking lately and have a picture of you above my bed flying over my grandmother's grave.
by Chairmanlmao April 21, 2019
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