When you take enough coros that you see David Bowie.
Oh man, I was so fucked up last night... I was bowied!
by Rahvihn May 23, 2004
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1. A demi-god of sexiness, to be worshiped through much wonton sex and sexy music full of sexy lyrics and insinuations.

2. Rare celebration of pale skin, and/or sexy hair or wacked out eyes.
1. "Do you see that hot Bowie over there? I'd totally freak out in a Moonage daydream with him."

2. "Let's lay out and tan."
"No thanks, I'm going to work on my Bowie while I Bowie my hair instead."

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When you one night stand a girl and she tries to get in touch with you afterwards, and you pretend you have never seen her before in your life. Inspired by the thousands of such encounters that David Bowie surely had throughout his career.
Dude, did you see Veronica at the club last night?

Yeah, but I was with three other chicks so I totally Bowied her.
by Wall Str33t July 1, 2011
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Beautiful Only While Young

A young person - typically female - who looks attractive now, but whom one can sense will revert towards or below the aesthetic mean for their age group when older. Is drawing most of their current pulchritude power from clear skin, healthy hair, toned muscles etc, rather than from bone structure.
"Michelle Pfeiffer is still a good looking woman at her age. But Britney Spears is a total BOWY."
by Kaitain September 24, 2009
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"areet mate u on the bowies like?"
"rights la am fucked"
"ana hew your jaws al awa"

"hew am west asf"
by watareyatalkinabeet March 9, 2017
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a small person who thinks hes ten foot tall but isnt. is a person who wants to be liked but no one does. also known as an annoying little bastard and are usualy a virgin.
"man steven is such a bowie"
by tommy2fingers September 6, 2006
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