Usually a dating site with tons of fake profiles
Oh hey this dating site has Confirmed profiles only
That's fake
by Aliens are real?!? December 20, 2022
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When a female (or male) feels an unreasonable sense of anxiety when a photograph might be taken of their face (and/or nose) in profile, an angle they find most unflattering.
Susan: OMG, Rebecca, can you delete that photo from your facebook gallery? I hate my nose at that angle.
Rebecca: Susan, you really need to get over your profile anxiety.
by PrincessKatie April 18, 2010
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Tokenised social profile on PopSpot with rights to share of creators' earnings.
Drake created a profile NFT to share revenue with his fans.
by buckenstein February 4, 2022
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The ability to better seek out terrorists using race demographics pointing to historical probability but doing so in a manner characteristic with natural growth and evolution.
The administration looks to pursue an organic profiling style as a means to gather support from both sides in the fight against terrorism.
by Soapy Johnson November 18, 2010
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Name instead of Race in “racial profiling
Hey you can’t judge the other Nathan’s you don’t know. Don’t judge a book by its cover. That’s nacial profiling
by Ayylmao0719 August 29, 2018
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The state of having so many captivating profile photo options that it becomes extremely difficult to pick one. Other common symptoms are being extremely good looking, stylish, or otherwise dapper.
That person has such profile image inundation syndrome
by senor_chang September 12, 2014
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The art of having noticeably nicer stuff than your subordinates so that they feel inferior to you. Additionally, the sly-profiler also needs to have stuff that is just slightly less nice than the boss' so that they don't feel threatened but can see that you mean business.
Employee 1: Did you see his new Rolex?

Employee 2: Yeah, He's just sly-profiling because he's tired of being a VP and we are looking for a new C.O.O
Employee 1: Man, we'll never make that much.
by steven demic February 22, 2017
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