The term used for when a usually nice looking,popular girl has sex with a popular boy which gives them protection because the “friends” of the girls and boys will form a barrier from hate . An example of this could be the Kardashians or in certain circumstances the paul brothers due to their unstoppable nature
by Datboi420@tidepods January 30, 2018
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Protected Pussy is a broad term meaning any person or group that has protection to some degree by the public, business, life Choices, Government.

Identifying these people other than this word results in hate speech, inciting violence etc
We don't identify people by anything without repercussions so they are a PP or Protected Pussy
by Red Android November 17, 2022
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When Russians pile onto a fucking tank to protect against missiles.
We need infantry protection!!! Vladimir. Ivan. Pile on tank. Rocket coming.
by Dilk hater 420. 69 July 1, 2018
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Someone who does not have a hot face but has a hot ass body
Damn Tina don't you think max is hot?!

Na b he protective hot af tho!
by drizzyabel December 12, 2015
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The belief that one cannot be harmed, and nothing can go wrong in your life if you simply have faith in your favourite imaginary supernatural being.

Best espoused in 2020 by US republicans who equate "wearing a mask" to "not having faith in god's will and protection"

By extension, this also means it is safe to jump into traffic if you simply have faith in god hard enough

Of course, this also implies that if you leap into traffic and get hurt, your faith was not true enough.

This belief system is a self reinforcing and self-reproducing way to hurt yourself. You leap into traffic, get hit by a car, stand up, believe in god harder, leap into traffic again, get hit by a car again. This process repeats until god protects you forever or you wind up dead. Slrt of like a "shit in one hand, wish in the other" type scenario.
***online dating***
Man: "Hey gurl, you look damn good ;)"
Girl: "You look like you should leap into traffic"
Man: "Gurl, if i leap into traffic I'll wind up dead. I'm an atheist so i dont got the same supernatural protections as the religious folk"
by Wypipo whisperer October 23, 2020
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similar to dick rehab, dickness protection is when you have to avoid a toxic, walking red flag man. it's more of an extremity to dick rehab where that is mainly getting over said man and dickness protection is completely avoiding and ghosting said man for your own mental protection
bri: holy shit its so bad i dont even know how im going to talk to him again
aurora: just go into dickness protection
by charli minaj-nikci November 2, 2021
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