Another term for ‘Generation-Z’. People born in the 21st century.
This generation of ‘Virtuals’ are really techno digital genius’s. They are also moreover virtuous and racially enlightened. Although far less racist; they frustrate many older people due to their lack of anger....
by Major Thomas Randle September 18, 2018
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Virtual is superior to GraphicsCardGuy and is actually a great user.
I wish to be Virtual one day.
by Kalun V3rm June 5, 2019
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The very thing that makes you zone out of reality an make you jump out a window because you think your a gta character and if thats not already happend to you and your reading this...... Stop it, get some help
Johnny entered the virtual world of rainbow six siege
by Kylat January 14, 2018
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Another word used in place of "cool" or "awesome" by urban white punk kids
Dude! Nofx is SOOO virtual!
by Swan March 4, 2004
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1. The act of speaking online languages in the real world.

2. The study of this typical behavior and its affects.


Nerd 1: Dude, lawl, James got 98% on his math test. That's like, lal-mao!

Geek 1: Hah, that is roo-fel! WTF hes so phailure.

Dork 1: Z-OH-EM-GEE! I have to gee-two-gee. bee-bee guys!
by SUPssss February 25, 2009
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Someone who has a COMPLETELY different personality over the phone/texts than in person. It is ridiculously annoying and a douche move. They pathologically lie and brag about how great their life is and leave "uncool" friends behind.
First Dude: "God DAMN it dude he is SUCH a virtual louis, he's really snazz in person but a complete dick in the group chat."
Second Dude: "I know he lied about banging all of those girls and getting wasted on coke over the phone. Then he still acted like that was no big deal when we saw him in person."
by hashtagwyattspam February 23, 2015
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