The act of alienating and or disheveling others to better oneself. There are many ways to go sour, including: acting a fool in front of the opposite sex, blatant disregard for your friends' feelings, and flagrant self-centerdness.
Oh man, John is going sour tonight. Yeah, I can't believe he cock blocked you like that.
by Brian August 26, 2005
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A guy who doesn't tell his boys anything.
by Yellow Sour Patch November 17, 2010
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Originally called DJ Only Records, SOUR Records was formed in 1993 by the Trinity crew as a creative outlet for the group of friends musical ideas. Initial releases were hip hop in style but soon the labels music evolved into the Jungle / Drum and Bass you hear today.
by bro4e January 27, 2009
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The opposite of "sweeeet". Usually used to make the other person thinking about how stupid it is to say "sweet" all the time.
Person 1: Man those shoes are sweeeettt.
Person 2: Sour.

Person 1 left thinking how stupid he is for using the word sweet in that way.
by KKL May 29, 2006
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The act of taking ones open hand and forcibly placing in between an unknowing victims butt checks and then wiggling the fingers.
"Jackson gave me a sour yesterday and it was incredibly unexpected and painful."
by Schowzy August 3, 2016
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The opposite of sweet. Comes from the late 70's philosophy that all things in life are either simply sweet, or simply sour, or sweet and sour.
Preceded with "oh so" in extreme cases of sourness.
That was sour when it rained while we were playing golf.
Oh so sour, don't fart in the car!
by Graank February 5, 2006
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a punkass attitude deserving of bytchslaps aplenty. an attitude which makes those with it believe the world owes them everything.
drop the SOUR attitude and pull ya weight!
by shanirok November 15, 2003
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