To hit someone with the flat side of a knife in a slapping motion.
I staped them with my large knife.
by IDKletmebe June 3, 2023
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stop what your doing. Usually said in a playful manner.
girl: "aye baybay!"

boy: "haha just stap it!"
by la b ho July 11, 2008
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stap: a combination of stab and bap. Commonly used to beat the )*&@% out of others online.
<guy 1> Do these pants make me look fat?
<guy 2> ... *staps guy 1*
by Scott December 21, 2004
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A phrase commonly used from and annoying bitch named Sammi on jersey shore, directed at her boyfried Ron, with whom she has dumped several times. She says it in her annoying fake Italian/jersey accent as well, resulting in the "STAP IT RAHN" caterwauling


Sammi: Stap it Rahn!
by ZumiChan September 13, 2011
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Complaining about any fucking thing possible, whether your right or wrong in the situation. Usually occurs when one is bored and wants to complain just for the fuck of it.
Everytime i hear the staps whine i wanna rip my ears off.
by hueuby January 31, 2017
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To get falling-down drunk; to be so hammered that one acts like Scott Stapp, especially on his famous poker game appearance. May involve thinking you are a ninja, blatant and uncomfortable flirting with women, and just sheer obnoxiousness.
Look, I found some cash in my jacket, let's go get Stapped!

Sure, just let me grab my jacket and I'll meet you at the liquor store.
by IAmBoard April 13, 2010
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When you staple a paper or anything else for that matter but you do it backwards so that the sharp ends are facing you.
The stapler is facing the opposite way.
by Smoothal April 26, 2005
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