11 definitions by hueuby

The most delicious gravy in all of italy. Don't you dare call it sauce otherwise she will choke you out with a meatball.
"Hmm this sauce was so good"
"Hey don't you dare say that, this is Concettas homemade gravy"
by hueuby January 31, 2017
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When someone spends a ridiculous amount of money on exclusive j's yet then proceeds to complain that they have no money for anything else.
Jon: Yo Nik wanna go get food?
Nik: I can't man you know i have no money.
Jon: But you just got the concord 11's last week. Your such a sneaker whore!
by hueuby January 31, 2017
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The biggest jewye alive. He values a peeny over any other form of currency. His favorite basketball player is peeny hardaway. He calls his dick his wittle peeny. In his opinion the best president ever was Abraham Lincoln, I wonder why. When not indulging in his love for peenys, flacko enjoys starting movies and never finishing them, underage women, and getting high as a kite flown by the big show.
Person 1 :"That man just picked up a dirty penny off the ground eww!"
Person 2: "Nah its fine thats just Flacko Jewye
by hueuby January 31, 2017
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Not a quarter, not a half, but a whole fucking perro.
How much did he have to eat last night? A WHOLE PERRO
by hueuby January 31, 2017
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This man is made of purely protein powder and gainz. He is absolutely massive and shares he dedication and hard work with all of his snapchat followers. Whether its pictures of pre/post workout meals, or just the amazing size of the dumbbells he is using, this beast motivates all his fans to be just like him.
"Yo did you see Muscles Liu 's story?"
"Which one? He posted about 57 today."
by hueuby January 31, 2017
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The dark, looming canyon in the chest of good ole heubs. If you can't afford to take your family on vacation to the grand canyon just venture over to Heubs's chest hole its just as massive and intricate.
"Did you see that dent in his chest? Did he get punched or something?"
"Nah thats just the chest hole"
by hueuby January 31, 2017
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A hgtv show for bees.
Did you catch up on the last episode of hmm bees?
by hueuby January 31, 2017
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