Though sometimes played merely for sport, often it is used as an elimination challenge to determine choice. Generally two people shake fists, and at the third 'throw' display one of the three forms. Rock is considered to crush scissors, scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock.
We had to decided who was gonna go to the store during half-time, and you lost at rock-paper-scissors. Go, man!
by kinsmed July 10, 2004
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A strategic game played between two people. The choices are rock, paper or scissors gesture with the hand. Paper covers rock, rock crushes scissors, scissors cuts paper.
Q:"Who's going to pay for lunch?"
A:"We'll rock paper scissors to decide."

The both count to three and simultaneously shape their hands into a rock ( closed fist ), paper ( open hand, palm down ) or scissors ( like a sideways peace sign ).

If there is a tie, they go again.
by Hank July 11, 2004
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Children's hand game of chance: scissors cuts paper, paper wraps rock, rock breaks scissors.
My turn! No, mine! Let's play rock paper scissors.
by octopod July 11, 2004
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The best way to quickly solve any dilemma between two people. Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, and paper beats rock.
I beat Ryan in a game of rock paper scissors to determine who gets shotgun in Drew's car.
by Dewey July 11, 2004
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Why was my rock paper scissors one not get published. (I chose rock btw). I jsut want to play some paper paper scissors
by Pieceofshit43 May 6, 2020
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A game to decide any outcome.
see: chonk
Lets chonk to see who gets to smoke the first bong.
by Diego November 18, 2003
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n. 1. game played by children to make a decision based on luck
2. game played by adults because they have too fucking much time on their hands (see urbandictionary)
1. Ok Bobby, let's play rock paper scissors to see whether or not you get a beating tonight
2. Oh my sweet holy ball-dropping Christ, I can't believe exists and I feel shame for humanity.
by jimmy ivory April 2, 2004
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